Love From Our Mini Piglet Thank you Mai and Family

Love From Our Mini Piglet Thank you Mai and Family

mini piglets in California

It truly breaks my heart to know that some people prioritize greed over the health and well being of animals like a mini piglet. That’s why I feel incredibly fortunate that we found you and brought this amazing mini piglet Ugo into our lives.

Right now, he’s snuggled up behind me on the couch he’s such a little clingy lovebug! I don’t get much done when he’s around, but honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Spending time with him is the absolute best.

Every day, he comes with me to pick up the girls from school. At first, he was a bit nervous and made his little sounds, but now he’s so calm, quiet, and content sitting in my lap. It’s amazing to see how much he’s grown in confidence.

Ugo is an absolute doll, and we adore him more than words can express. Thank you for giving us such a special addition to our family!

Kelly B.
Los Angeles, CA

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